Kettlebell yoga is back! I couldn't resist creating another workout for this series, I enjoy this fusion so much. I hope you like this one as much as the first. Let me know what you think...
You need just over 20 minutes for this workout, so you can pretty easily squeeze it into your busy day. If you don't have a kettlebell you can use dumbbells for the kettlebell exercises, or just your own bodyweight if you aren't comfortable or able to do the movements with any extra weight. Make it work for you! Always do whatever feels safe for you, don't ever push yourself to do any exercise that hurts you. I've provided modifications below so we can all have fun and do this together :D
Workout Breakdown
2 sun salutations
20 one arm swings chair 10 goblet jump lunges plough shoulderstand 10 (on each arm) snatches 5 (on each side) lord of the dance + one leg deadlift bow 20 Russian swings dolphin 20 figure 8 garland legs up the wall MODIFICATIONS: - If you can't do alternating one arm swings, you can instead do 10 consecutive swings on each arm, or 20 swings holding the kettlebell with both hands. If you don't have a kettlebell you can swing a dumbbell, or hold a dumbbell and do squats or jump squats, or do squats or jump squats with no added weight. - If you can't do goblet jump lunges, you can instead do backward lunges (without a jump) holding the kettlebell at your chest. If you don't have a kettlebell you can hold a dumbbell or pair of dumbbells at your sides, or do backward lunges with your own bodyweight, but increase the reps to 20. I still want you to feel that burn ;) - If you can't do shoulderstand, you can instead do bridge: lie on your back with your feet in close to your butt, press your hips up and hold. Or if you're comfortable in plough, you can work on placing your hands high up on your back for support, raising your hips up, and extending one leg up at a time to start getting a feel for shoulderstand. - If you can't do *snatches, you can instead do a clean and press. If you don't have a kettlebell you can do an overhead press with a dumbbell. If you don't have any weights you can practice the upward swinging movement with each arm, but add a squat to the end. So you will squat once your arm is pressed up overhead, return to standing, lower the arm, and repeat. *NOTE: You should not attempt snatches for the first time in this workout, especially if you haven't had much practice with or ever attempted cleans and presses before. These can be dangerous exercises if not performed carefully and correctly, you have to work up to them, and work on them outside of a workout to make sure you are using the correct form. Be smart, don't injure yourself. - If you can't do the one leg deadlift, you can instead do a deadlift with both feet on the ground. You can also do deadlifts with a pair of dumbbells, or with just your own bodyweight. If you're just having a little trouble balancing doing the one leg deadlift, you can tap the ground with your toes as much as needed. The more you practice, the better you'll get, and the easier it will feel! - If you can't do the Russian swings, you can instead do regular swings. If you don't have a kettlebell you can swing a dumbbell, do jump squats or squats with a dumbbell or pair of dumbells, or you can do jump squats or squats with no added weights. - If you can't do the figure 8s, you can instead hold the squat (with or without added weight) for the duration of my completing the exercise. You can also try to pass a dumbbell through the legs, or do jump squats or squats with or without weights.
This workout took me just under 23 minutes, leave me a comment and let me know how long it takes you and if you enjoyed it as much as I did. These seem to go by so quickly, I'm just having so much fun with these routines. I am always a fan of not repeating exercises in a workout, instead of doing several rounds of just a few different exercises. If the exercises are tough sometimes this can feel really daunting, but knowing I only have to do the exercise once empowers me to really give it my all; because once you get through the set, you're done with it! Do you guys feel the same way? Drop me a message or leave me a comment here or in the Fit Club and let me know!
Still haven't joined the Fit Club? What are you waiting for?! I can't wait for you to join our supportive community, I'll see you there, right? ;) I'm working hard on an amazing FREE nutrition resource for you guys that will hopefully be available very soon. I can't wait to share it with you, so make sure you sign up in the meantime so you don't miss out on this! I also really want to share some more traditional yoga routines again as soon as possible. I have a new yoga book that is such a mammoth resource, it's taking me forever to get through! But I'm very excited about a lot of the interesting pose variations it contains, and I've just felt really strongly about putting together something really different and cool. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on myself. Probably. I tend to do that. Regardless, I assure you yoga will be back! And hopefully sooner rather than later. Stick with me, I have such plans for us. I can't wait to share this ride with you :)
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Jacq. 30.
Pigtails. Personal Trainer, Yogi, and Wellness Coach. Lover of tiny animals and objects. BS in Nutrition and Dietetics. Plant-based. Read More... Categories
January 2018
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